14 September 2012

It was inevitable

This is Ash, my little monkey who loves to play on the monkey bars:
Today she decided to see what would happen if she fell while hanging from the monkey bars at school and this is what she discovered:

A few xrays later it looks like there are no broken bones. Yeehaw! Only some swelling and bruising which the instacare doctor thought warranted a splint and a sling. I thought otherwise. But this girl scored a happy meal from McDonald's ("I know why you're getting me a happy meal, because it will make me happy.") and homemade chocolate cookies from the master cookie chef, Kiersten.

This is a girl who LOVES wearing skirts and wears them a majority of the week.

She divulged to me that she hangs upside down on the monkey bars in the many skirts she wears to school. I suggested that maybe she shouldn't hang upside down in a dress anymore . . . or hang upside down period.

I'm not sure how long the splint and sling will last, if it will even last until Monday, but she sure is excited to go to school and show it off.

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