17 July 2011

A glance at our nightstands

My stack of books:

Ty's stack of books:

Notice a theme here.

With Kiersten entering junior high this year, I know I need to revamp our Super Money Credit Union idea for her and who better to get some ideas from than Richard and Linda Eyre. I particularly wanted to know how they ran their family economy (Hence the reason for so many of their books on my side of the bed.).

I just finished reading Three Steps to a Strong Family. It was a book I had to renew from the library just to finish it. Not because it was hard to get through but because it had a lot for me to think about. Kiersten actually thought we owned the book since she had seen it around so often. I'm still gathering ideas and hope to have a system in place before school starts.

Ty has been concentrating on nothing but the yard. I doubt he read all of his books but maybe just having them there inspired him a little.

Currently I'm reading Journal of the Trail, a book of journal entries about the handcart pioneers, particularly the Willie and Martin companies. I'm hoping to finish it this week in time for the 24th of July celebrations. I love biographies and books about true incidents. Everyone has a story to tell.

And I just wouldn't be Missy if I weren't in the middle of at least one or two other books. Divine Signatures is quickly becoming one of my favorites, but that is a blog for another day.


mommaquincy said...

I have a book on CD in my van, a book I'm reading with Jonathan and then the one I'm reading to myself at all times, plus whatever gospel stuff I'm studying. Is this Tyler's first time to read Ender's Game?

Missy said...

I don't think he's ever read it and neither have I. But it is on my list.