Our very own Prince William and Kate (aka Matt and Angelene):
Matthew had lots of practice with marriage as a kid. My name was Prilla and for the life of me can't remember what his was. Didn't we make a cute couple?
Friday was a day of many smiles and tears, a royal wedding of our own. Just like I knew I would I bawled buckets in the sealing room. It certainly didn't help that my sister Katie and I were seated directly across from the bride and groom. Matt was a little teary-eyed and that got me going. And I didn't think to bring a Kleenex, but I did remember to put mascara on right before entering the temple. Dummy me.
Matt and Anglene were so calm and happy. Part of me wondered if I would ever see this day. I can't wait for him to be a dad and experience the joy that comes with that. I'm sure he's been happy being the favorite uncle, but there is nothing like having your own children. And Angelene is just wonderful. Ash took to her immediately and even started counting down the days since last Sunday. I can see her quickly becoming a favorite.

Excuse me, Missy. What temple is that? Where did Matt get married?
Oh, and I ALWAYS cry in sealings too. Are you sure we're not related?
He got married in the Logan temple. Tyler I were commenting on how cool the rock looks close up. Maybe it's just us being observant of things like that lately.
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