It just so happens that birthday week and the end of school activities collide . . . every year. This year was no different with a few extra (special) events added to the mix.
Friday commenced our fun-filled crazy week which I've highlighted here.
Saturday I hosted a bridal shower for my new sister-in-law, Angelene. Here's how a conversation with Nate went this week.
Nate: "I can't believe I have a new aunt."
Me: "Ya, and you'll get to see her Saturday."
Nate: "What do you mean?"
You'd have thought it was a baby shower when they opened my gift of baby clothes. No pressure. None at all.
Sunday was our traditional 3rd Sunday Siesta. Tyler and I got the idea several years ago from our sister-in-law Jo. Once a month we host an informal get together with family and friends. Bring a treat and come and visit. There is usually a puzzle to put together.

Tuesday my first baby went from this:

To this:
The poor girl had CORE testing on her birthday (BTW, we just found out she scored a perfect 100 on her math and only missed one on her language arts), but Grandma and I managed to steal her away for lunch during a snowstorm. And when she came home from school, there was one more surprise waiting.
Making the toy room into Kiersten's own room was something I've been wanting to do for awhile. Natalie and Ashlyn took over the project and made it something special.
Wednesday Nate had his recorder concert (Can I just say how impressed I was with their sound? Mrs. Workman can work miracles.), Kiersten had her orchestra concert, and Erik was receiving his Arrow of Light. Something had to give. Unfortunately, we didn't make it Kiersten's performance.
Oh ya, it was also Night of a Thousand Stars where the kids get to showcase the books they've written and illustrated. Nate informed me Tuesday night that he only had one page done. I came unglued and sadly he spent a long couple of hours putting it together. But after talking with other moms in his class, it sounds like the teacher wasn't all that into it. Nate wasn't the only one so far behind. Frankly, it just wasn't like him. Anyway, he got it done and all is well.
and Ash had her kindergarten graduation. Afterwards I took her to McDonald's for a lunch date. It was a good old fashioned class reunion when she discovered her best friend Makayla (I don't know her and I'm sure I spelled her name wrong) in the play area along with another boy from her class. Ash says, "I thought I would never see her again!" They exchanged phone numbers and are hoping to get together this summer.
Saturday was Erik's big day, spent at Tracy Aviary and dinner at Chuck-a-Rama where the waitresses sang to him. He totally ate that up. This is a kid who really enjoys being in the spotlight.
Sunday we finished up with birthday pie for Erik and Alex. Two candles representing the number 11. Eleven years for Erik's life and eleven months for Alex's life.
I'm not even going to attempt to document this coming week. Let's just say there's a few awards assemblies, a field trip that has been washed out, field day, 6th grade graduation, a soccer game and practice, YW and scouts, a spelling bee, Lego League club, and we're scheduled to close on our Stansbury house tomorrow. BRING ON SUMMER! And, you know how we live in Seattle and all, well, I'm ready to move back to Salt Lake, to the desert.
Oh, that's right. I already live there.
I'm off to entice Mother Nature with a little Beatles, "Here comes the sun."
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