28 May 2011

Closer to Christ - Days 59-65

DAY 59
Scripture study: Alma 54-56
Mark and ponder: Exodus 19:5-6
Scripture thought of the day: Jeremiah 50:5
Thought of the day: "In our utter desolation, what could we women do but pray? Prayer was our only source of comfort; our Heavenly Father our only helper. None but he could save and deliver us." -Amanda Barnes Smith, Haun's Mill, Missouri, October 1838

DAY 60
Scripture study: Alma 57-58
Mark and ponder: Alma 57:21, 58:40
Scripture thought of the day: Psalms 62:6-8
Thought of the day: "Gospel hope is not a vague, wishful desire, but a powerful expectation, a conviction, that Jesus Christ will save us. This hope in the Lord Jesus Christ includes the expection of a glorious resurrection, indeed, hope that all of God's promises will be fulfilled in our behalf." -Lili de Hoyos Anderson

DAY 61
Scripture study: Alma 59-60
Mark and ponder: Alma 60:36
Scripture thought of the day: Joshua 24:15
Thought of the day: "In his wisdom, Captain Moroni didn't just look for weaknesses to shore up. He also focused on strengths in the Nephi defense so that if the attach from the enemy got too fierce, there would be safe places. As part of our ongoing effort to fortify our marriage, my husband and I also look for our strong places. They are easier to find through prayer. In prayer I have found that Heavenly Father loves us even more than we ourselves do and truly wants our relationships to succeed." -Michelle H. Bagley

DAY 62
Scripture study: Alma 61-63
Mark and ponder: Alma 62:49
Scripture thought of the day: Psalms 45:1-2
Thought of the day: "Captain Moroni in the Book of Mormon put honor and humility in perspective . . . The scriptures teach us that honor includes such things as faith and trust in the Lord, payment of tithes and offerings, fear of the Lord, humility, and obedience." -Robert D. Hales

DAY 63
Scripture study: Helaman 1-4
Mark and ponder: Helaman 3:29-30
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 38:9
Thought of the day: "The spirit of God never generates contention. It never generates the feelings of distinctions between people which lead to strife. It leads to personal peace and feelings of union with others. It unifies the soul. A unified family, a unified Church, and a world at peace depends on unified souls." -Henry B. Eyring

DAY 64
Scripture study: Helaman 5-8
Mark and ponder: Helaman 5:12, 8:14-15
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 81:5-6
Thought of the day: "Climbing the gospel ladder toward exaltation will require more than a casual commitment to the gospel, more than a few visits to church on Sunday, more than a passing familiarity with the scriptures as we endure faithfully to the end." -David Sorenson

DAY 65
Scripture study: Helaman 9-10
Mark and ponder: Helaman 10:4-5
Scripture thought of the day: 1 John 1:8-9
Thought of the day: "But in coming here [to earth], we forgot all, that our agency might be free indeed, to choose good or evil that we might merit the reward of our own choice and conduct. But by the power of the Spirit, in the redemption of Christ, through obedience, we often catch a spark from the awakened memories of th immortal soul, which lights up our whole being as with the glory of our former home." -Joseph F. Smith

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