08 August 2009

She finally figured it out

We have a very obstinate child who goes by the name of Ash.

Today she refused to ask nicely for anything and simply demanded everything of everyone.

We are no longer putting up with it.

On the way home from the store she screamed at Erik for not sharing the M&Ms he so kindly bought for her with his own money (he took them back when she demanded he give them to her). And she screamed the entire way home giving us all a headache.

I immediately put her to bed and told her she could get up when she could ask nicely for some lunch (again, on arriving home she demanded lunch before putting her in her bed).

A half hour later I had to leave to go with Kiersten to a Mom/Daughter Stake Activity Days function and since she had continually come out of her room refusing to say please, I put her outside on a bench where Tyler could supervise the little stink while he worked on sprinklers.

When I arrived home, she had indeed finally said please and gotten some lunch AFTER TWO HOURS.

Tonight while I was washing her hair I asked what she learned today about saying please. She replied with "I FINALLY figured it out sitting on the bench."



Angie said...

Way to stick to your guns! That girl is quite the stinker...but oh so cute. Maybe its time for another baby so she's not the youngest anymore??

Jule said...

And I thought she had figured it out at Grandma's!! I guess not!

mommaquincy said...

It's not easy being the youngest! All that spoiling and attention is hard on a kid. Jonathan has done okay. I think he misses all of the attention now that we have grandkids.