22 March 2021

Life History - Camping

I've attempted to write a history of my life on and off over the past 30 years and was given the challenge to try again last week at a Relief Society activity. It can be quite daunting. Especially when I start perusing old photos and get so immersed that I come away feeling so overwhelmed. But I'll attempt something.

Growing up we didn't do expensive vacations. Our summer fun was camping in the mountains above Ferron in our yellow truck that would haul 5 kids, a dog, camping gear and food to last through the millennium, a picnic table, and usually a few cousins thrown in there.

We would head up to Ferron Reservoir, take a right at the top and continue on to Duck Fork lake. But before getting there we would take another right down a incredibly rough road down to McEwan Flat.

What I remember about a lot of those camping trips was the pine boughs dad would use to create a canopy over the bed of the truck. Tonight I came across a similar photo of a jeep that I believe belonged to my Grandpa Seamons (Grandma Seamons is in the front passenger seat) which also had the same type of bough system over the back. I now know where my dad got such a fun idea for our camping trips.

Dad is a twin and our cousins from Logan frequently came camping with us. One one such trip toward the end of June in 1986ish, it began to rain pretty steadily. The decision was made to just leave. Leave everything behind and get home. The ride down the mountain was a good 45 minutes. We arrived home soaked and cold and muddy. And the next day we went back up to get our camping gear and discovered it had snowed.

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