28 March 2021


The highlight this week was going on an exchange with my zone leader Elder Swallow. We had a really good time, and it was fun to work with him. He has been out for 17 months, and never once ridden a bike, so he was really excited we got to ride bikes to one of our lessons. We ended up leaving a little late, and when we got there we found out Eli had to go into work early the next day so he canceled on us. I'm glad Elder Swallow got to bike, even if it didn't end up being for anything.

The other cool thing from the week is they started opening up vaccines to faith leaders. We were able to get scheduled, so I'm going in tomorrow for the first shot. From what I've heard vaccines haven't actually had an effect on us going back to our original assignment, but maybe that'll change.

Lastly, I'd invite you to read this talk I read this last week:
Watching with All Perseverance

He gives some great counsel on how we can help others gain and strengthen their own children. I know that the Apostles and all other speakers for conference give wonderful counsel, and have been called of God to help strengthen and support us. I'd invite you each to come to conference with a few specific questions, and I promise if you do you will gain the answer you need. I testify of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

p.s. look at this crazy snow fort we made as a zone after shoveling snow for seven hours. It includes a slide, an arch, a throne and a dungeon in the back that the only way to enter or exit is through a tunnel in the wall. 

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