08 January 2020

Survived My Blackout Year

Can you guys believe it is 2020? That's nuts, when I got to the mission it was September 2018, and now it's 2020. 2019 was my "blackout year" meaning I was on my mission the entire year, but I survived and now I'm in my final stretch I guess. Anyway, we stayed busy this week. We had a lot of lessons with investigators and our recent concerts, but no real breakthroughs. They are all doing well though. We also had exchanges this week and I ate a chicken heart.

The one lesson that stands out was with John Hunter. He is the really solid guy that wants to be baptized, but won't commit to a day. This week we found out part of his reason why. He hasn't made it to church and wants to come before committing to a date, which makes sense, but the problem is he is always gone on Sundays. He should be able to come this next Sunday though. We are shooting for March for his baptism, which will give him plenty of time to make it to church a few times.

Other than that, Mark is still doing good after his baptism, the Smith family, whose kids Cameron and Aidric got baptized a month ago, is starting to come to church every week and live the gospel in their home, and Natasha is still preparing for her January 25th baptism. So overall things are going very well.

I got to go on exchanges with Elder Romney, one of my zone leaders, this week. We had a fun day, and we only got sidetracked talking about random stuff a few times. We also drove by the EA building where they make Madden and NBA Live, so I got a picture in front of the sign.

Also, we have been teaching a really cool guy named Kevin Wood. He is a recent convert that just moved from Sorrento and we have been teaching him the recent convert lessons. What's interesting is he is an artist for DC/WB. He does collectible paintings for a lot of their movies. You should look him up. He is currently working on some Star Wars paintings and a painting for a new Batman VS Superman movie that is coming up. He also has plans to paint some Book of Mormon characters for the church. He is super fun to talk to.

The last interesting thing from this week was that I tried chicken hearts. We stopped by a Brazilian member's house and they had just made them for dinner. They gave us some and they were actually super good. They were like really chewy pieces of chicken, but they had great flavor.

I think that's it for my week. Happy new year! I'll talk to you all next week. 

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