05 January 2020

A new year, a new decade

2020 was that year that was so far away. So out there in the distance. And now here it is. As a kid I was 100% certain the second coming would be here by now. But here we are . . . alive and thriving.

Christmas has come and gone. My favorite part of Christmas is the slide show we watch on Christmas Eve of the past year and then 10 years past. It is a gentle reminder of how quickly life moves. Alex really helped me put this one together and was a tremendous motivator to get it done.

I also loved Ashlyn's reaction to her becoming an aunt. Priceless. She has been hounding them so much that now I'm not sure what she'll bug them about. 

We rung in the New Year and then I promptly headed to my bed. New Year's Eve can be so painful if I don't get a nap. But between dentist appointments and a late afternoon movie that just wasn't in the works this year.

And tomorrow we're headed back to school. I'm kind of excited. I've missed my students and can't wait to hear about their break.

This was such a good break. I read books, set up a new laptop (that's a tedious process), completed miscellaneous errands I finally had time for, ate too much, caught up with family and friends, and ran A LOT. I've recently discovered a love of running early in the morning when the air bites my nose and stings my toes and there isn't a soul around. It is the most peaceful time of day. I covered 5 miles yesterday, didn't pass a single car or person, and was home before most people were out of bed.

Looking ahead to this upcoming year, I see so many good things in the horizon. I can now say that Erik comes home this year. Nate wants to leave July or early August. A little piece of heaven will make his way to a new home in June. Kiersten will graduate with her bachelor's in psychology. Nate completes his high school career. My parents will be home from their mission. And these are just all things visually apparent on my calendar. It doesn't even take into account all the unseen, beautiful things that are waiting for us.

My one and only goal is to finish the stack of books on my nightstand without adding any new ones. I am in the middle of so many that just need completing. A second quasi goal is to take and pass the Praxis PLT test. It's not a goal I necessarily want but one that must get done.

* * * * * * *

What's happening in the yard?
DEER! That's what's happening. When we first moved in, we were a little perplexed that the deer just didn't seem to come around. And now they do. And we really wish they'd go back home. Because they are not very kind to our trees. Grrrr! Tyler calls them rats with hooves.

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