13 January 2020

New Mission Record for Being With a Companion

So this week has been crazy. We found some amazing people, had some good lessons, and also had exchanges. By far the craziest though is that Elder DeMoux and I are both staying. This will be our fourth transfer together, which is completely unheard of. It hasn't happened in our mission in at least a few years, I didn't think that doing four with a companion was even a possibility. You are either with a companion for one or two transfers, and very rarely three. Four is just crazy, but I guess we are doing good work because President said he didn't think he should split us up when we are having this much success. Four transfers is tough with any companion, so we will see how this goes haha.

I'll start with the amazing people we found. We ran into a lady named Ashley who was a member for a few years then got her records removed for almost no reason a few years back. She still has a testimony and loves the church and wants to come back. She will probably get rebaptized really soon. The cool thing is that we are also teaching her boyfriend. We went over for a lesson with her and it turned out to be mostly for him. She was also really helpful in the lesson and knows her stuff. They're super solid.

We finished all the lessons with Natasha this week. She is all ready for her January 25th baptism, all we need is to do the interview. She came to church and loved it again, so she really has no issues. It's been smooth sailing helping her. She's really prepared.

We also finally had a lesson with a part member family that we've been trying to meet with since I got here. They both come to church every week, the mom is active but the dad isn't a member. He has some questions about a few points of doctrine that we'll be able to answer this week. He seems really sincere and knows he needs to find if this church is true or not. We are excited for them.

The most fun part of my week was exchanges with Seminola, the Spanish Elders. We had a blast, plus I got to practice my Spanish with some people. It was funny. I sound like I'm 100 percent gringo. I know a good amount of vocabulary but have no idea how to actually use it in conversation, but it was fun regardless.

Well, that's all folks! Make sure to look at the picture of me holding a snake. It was the coolest thing ever. Snakes are crazy. 

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