29 December 2019

Our family is expanding

"We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, God sends a baby into the world to do it. THAT IS WHY LONG, LONG AGO, A BABE WAS BORN IN BETHLEHEM."

~ Frank William Boreham

Twenty-one years ago a similar announcement was made to my parents, announcing the future arrival of their first grandchild pictured above. And more than two millennia ago, angels proclaimed the birth of another special baby to the world.

Babies have a way of making the world a better, shinier, more peaceful place.

Just like she made grandparents out of my parents, she's going to do the same for us. Doesn't Grandma and Grandpa look good on us? We couldn't be more happier.

The day we brought Kiersten home and laid her on our bed, I gazed down at her and then looked at Tyler and then back at her. I couldn't believe those people at the hospital just let us leave with this package in tow. I mean a "person's a person no matter how small," and this was a very small person. 

I felt very much out of my element. To think that my Heavenly Father had entrusted me to care for one of his very own and that I was to do my best in ensuring she became the person He needed her to be. That was a bit overwhelming. But God knew just what he was doing in sending her to us. She has been the perfect child to come first to our family and I know that this little baby coming to hers and Jason's family will the perfect child for them.

Those two are about the embark on one of the most humbling, terrifying, fun adventures of a lifetime.

We can't wait to meet you little one.

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