02 December 2019

Lots of service

One of my favorite parts of being a missionary is doing service. Believe it or not, wearing a white shirt and a tie every day eventually gets pretty old. It is super nice to be able to put on some jeans and a t-shirt and do some work. That's what this week was. We also had some really good lessons that I'll talk about.

We did service for five different people this week. It was fantastic. On Thursday we did yard work for a member of the ward and his wife fed us breakfast and mango smoothies. It was great. We also did service at the Rescue Outreach Mission, a homeless shelter we volunteer at every week. Then Friday we helped move a family out of the ward, which took a few hours because it was a very sudden move that wasn't very organized. It went well though, the ward helped a lot and it was pretty fun working with all the guys from the ward. Then Saturday we mowed one of our investigator's lawns, and afterward did some yard work for another nonmember.

It was a nice break from all the normal missionary things. We still did have some cool missionary things though.

The first is that we had a great lesson with Amber, the smart senior in high school that we're working with. We had a lesson at Bishop's house with his daughter and Amber. It went really well because we didn't have all the distractions that come with Amber's house. We were able to answer a lot of her questions and teach a lot. She also has been coming to church every week. We may bring up baptism at our next lesson. Wish us luck!

Cameron is also scheduled to get baptized this Saturday. He passed his interview this week, which is great and shows he's made a lot of progress, because he did not pass his last one. He is super ready. The problem is that the parents told us yesterday that they aren't sure he is ready and they want to move it back. He wants to be baptized and is totally ready by the church's standards, so we will see if we can work it out with the parents this week. Again, wish us luck. I may have a baptism this weekend.

Here's some other things that happened this week. We got to go to the funeral of one of our friends here who passed away suddenly, which was very sad, but the family is doing well. I also had to eat some food that had a cockroach on it. I brushed it off and kept eating because I'm not scared of a little cockroach. It was gross though.

I think that's it for my week. I hope I didn't gross you out too much there at the end. Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry, no pictures this week. 

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