24 July 2019

Where did my summer go?

I've got three weeks left of summer and the kids have four and what do I have to show for it? Apparently not much because I haven't documented one thing. So this might be a super long post in an attempt to recapture my summer before school starts again or it might be segmented into chunks.

We've had a couple of guests move in with us temporarily, hopefully temporarily for some. There have been the snakes that give us the heebee jeebees as they stealthily move through the grass. One lives under our sidewalk outside our bedroom window

and the other is in the honeysuckle behind the pergola.

Nieces and nephews came to stay for a week while their mom and dad were on Trek.

And we've inherited a dog this week which always thrills my kids. But for some reason she has attached herself to me. Maybe 'cause I take her back home to feed the ducks?

Alex began our summer with a scout camp. I got to accompany him on day one while we visited downtown Salt Lake and got a tour of the temple grounds

and a ride to the observatory deck of the administration building.

There were some cool views to see up there.

We finished out the day at the Fire Museum in Tooele, and the next day was spent doing things around Lake Point.

This boy also celebrated his birthday

later in the month with bowling,

miniature golf, and a pizza buffet dinner.

Who doesn't like their birthdays?

**A side note to the bowling game . . . I have NEVER in my entire life bowled as well as I did that day. Jason still won with 216, but man was I close.

Hmmmm . . . can I even say man in a sentence anymore? I read an article this week about Berkley, California. In that town, manholes will now be known as maintenance holes. Man-made is now human-made. How many years will it take before those words are no longer in the dictionary?

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