28 July 2019

Backpacking in the Uintas

On the 4th of July, Tyler and I,
along with Kiersten, Jason,

Natalie, and Kurtis set out on a backpacking trip.

The original plan was to hike to Red Castle, but due to a cool, wet spring, there was still quite a bit of snow in that area. So our last minute change of plans had us hiking a shorter hike.

In hindsight that was a good thing.

With 30 pounds on my back, traversing over logs and rocks and taking "short cuts" (link to article about cutoffs) that might have been quicker but much harder, took a toll on my legs that first day.

Five miles was the limit of what I was willing to do. The next day was a restful day hanging out at camp, reading my book, watching Jason carefully negotiate a log to rescue Tyler's hook,

and experimenting with fish "tacos."

The fishing was great. I can't say I've ever gotten into fishing despite growing up with a dad who loved the sport.

Once we started going to Lake Powell to fish for striped bass, trout fishing just didn't hold any appeal.

Kiersten caught her first fish 

and the scenery was surreal.

We hiked through burnt out forest that I imagined a war zone might feel like.

And our camp was perched on a cliff with a waterfall not more than a 100 yards away.

The only downside to this trip was all the downed timber on the trail we had to negotiate around. Tyler is repeatedly telling the kids on every hiking expedition we go on, "Don't step on what you can step over. Don't step over what you can step around." I didn't pay too much attention to that and on our way out I didn't want to "step around" and I face planted as my foot didn't quite make it over the log. I came home with a nasty bruise on my leg and forehead. I also came home with a numb toe that I think will fix itself eventually.

I haven't been backpacking in a quite a few years and that was just what I needed this summer. I loved getting away, getting some exercise, getting no reception, and hanging with some fun people.

Looking forward to next summer's trip.

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