19 July 2019

Double Kidtism

This week was another fantastic one here in Rockledge. 2 of the kids we have been teaching, Alyssa and Jacob, got baptized this week. That of course was the highlight. We also had interviews with President Ashcraft this week and they were super fun. I also put together a little Book of Mormon to use while proselyting, which has been a fun project.

The baptism on Saturday went well. Jacob kind of had a mental breakdown a half-hour beforehand about what to wear and Alyssa had to get dunked 5 times, but other than that it went well. They were both super happy afterwards. Also, on Sunday in sacrament meeting they sat on the front row and listened the entire time. They are usually impossible to keep still and quiet. We're super happy to see them start their journey in the church. 

On Tuesday we had our first interviews with President Ashcraft. He is going to be the greatest mission president ever. He got to know me and I got to know him a lot better. I'm so excited to serve with him for the rest of my mission. Apparently he is even going to play basketball with the missionaries in Orlando today, so that basically solidifies him as the coolest mission president ever.

I found a little pocket sized Book of Mormon a little while ago, and I finally got around to marking it up. I marked and tabbed scriptures for all the missionary lessons, doctrinal mastery scriptures, and answers to questions of the soul. I also wrote all the lesson points with the scriptures in the back. It was a big project, but it's already been useful a few times. I've been able to quicky share a scripture with someone at their door because I have a Book of Mormon right in my shirt pocket. It also really helped me know the scriptures better. I learned where to find a lot of different things as I was going through marking it up. 

Keep looking for new ways to study the scriptures. There are so many ways to study them, and going about it a little differently can be a great way to get more out of your studies. It helps me a lot. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week, pray that I won't melt this week in the heat, and hopefully I'll talk to you all next week.

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