12 August 2018

So much to do . . .

And so little time.

Our school district likes to keeping reminding me that school is starting in T minus so many days.

That freaks me out a little because I do not feel prepared in any way. For two days I sat in meetings for New Teacher Orientation and just cringed as they kept throwing more and more information at me. Do this. Don't do that. Remember all 627 logins and passwords. You'd better start on your new teacher training materials that are due in 3 hours.

Okay, not really 3 hours but there was so much information heaped on me that I came home after the first day in tears, not wanting to go back. It did make me feel a little better that one of the other new hire teachers in my building felt the exact same way.

Just keep swimming is my everything right now.

In the meantime . . . 

Ash and I have spent the last month in my classroom overhauling the place.

It is clean and mostly organized.

Kiersten and Jason came and spent a few hours one day too (which made Jason a little giddy to get his own classroom).

I desperately missed my helper this past week when she went to girls camp. She has been such a HUGE help. I really need her to come and hold my hand on that first day of school :)

Nate had a birthday and turned 16 and would love to get his driver's license if he could only get a hold of his online driving instructor to get some driving time in. Gifts were a little hard this year because he needed so many things BEFORE his birthday. So what do you do? You take pictures and wrap them up so he remembers that what he's been using for a few weeks was really supposed to be for his birthday.

One night we snuck away to Logan to watch our cousins in a play

Erik finally got some missionary clothes,

and we made it to the drive-in.

There was also another special event this past weekend, so stay tuned . . . 

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