15 August 2018

How we ended up in Lake Point

Our high councilman talked about a time 15 or 20 years ago where he was part of a bishopric that specifically prayed for good people to move into Lake Point. Lake Point was a dying town without a lot of new, vibrant blood. He asked us to go home and think about what brought us here. He specifically wanted us to know that we were an answer to prayer.

Our journey here began in 2009. There was a recession going on and Tyler was itching to take advantage of the down housing market. Thus began our search for a house to buy and then a lot to build on, starting with Stansbury. Nothing panned out.

And then we remembered our family in Lake Point.  I'm not sure why it took so long to even consider looking out here.

We bought a lot and the rest has been history. There were several avenues we took to get to Lake Point and each one just never worked out. But this one . . . this one also had hiccups but over and over I have had that powerful witness that this is where we are supposed to be. The latest has been when I thought we might have to move due to a job loss, and again through different manifestations, the Lord let me know to be still and everything would work out.

Almost two years later we are still in our home. I could not imagine living or raising a family anywhere else. This is where I want my family to come home to. This is why we built this home . . . as a gathering place for our kids. This is where we have created memories.

Like Dorothy says in the Wizard of Oz, "There's not place like home." And home for us is Lake Point.

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