11 September 2016


Blessing #1:
Nate turned 14 the end of July, but with so many family things going on, there just didn't seem to be a good time to have him ordained to the office of a teacher. And I was not liking the idea of pulling grandparents away from their busy schedules. One Sunday Brother Willis, his deacon adviser, approached us about about it and planted in my mind the idea that Erik could ordain him. This was a thought I had not even entertained since I did not know a young man in the office of a priest could do such a thing.

I talked it over with Nate and Erik and both were open to the idea, although Erik was extremely nervous about performing such a priesthood function. I approached the bishop and the ordination took place during our monthly home teaching visit in his office. He counseled Erik on the wording and how he knew what things to say in a blessing that often accompany such ordinations. Bishop Steinagel then left it up to him whether or not he would like to also give Nate a blessing at the end, which Erik was brave enough to do.

I believe there is nothing more humbling or terrifying than being the mouthpiece for the Lord. What a tender morning as the palpable spirit of God filled that room. It was a beautiful experience for all of us present and I can say with all sincerity that God our Father was pleased.

Blessing #2:
Later that same day, I sat in that same office as my Laurel presidency was set apart to perform their functions. Kiersten had been called as the secretary, and the bishop gave her such a beautiful blessing, affirming things to her that he could not have possibly known. But God knew and knew what Kiersten needed to hear.

The Holy Ghost is real and powerful and performs his functions through an all-knowing God.

Blessing #3:
Back in May a talk was given on patriarchal blessings which reminded Nate that he wanted to get his. Erik was moved enough by this same talk to also piggyback Nate and get theirs together. Our summer was so incredibly busy that an appointment with Patriarch Oscarson was set for August 21, the day before the start of school.

What a joy it was to accompany these two brothers to receive guidance and wisdom and direction through another mouthpiece of the Lord set apart for such service. For me, it was a unique circumstance to have two blessings given together, but individually, much like Esau and Jacob. I'm sure they don't remember a tenth of what was given but I do know the Lord knows them individually by what was pronounced to each boy through our great patriarch.

Patriarchal blessings are like a beautiful letter from our heavenly home. It's not a crystal ball describing what will happen in our future lives, but more like a road map describing the blessings awaiting should we stick to the path and knowledge of our divine characteristics. I also received mine on a hot August Sabbath in 1992, 24 years ago. What a treasure it has been and I guess also a kind of treasure map as things that didn't mean anything to me 24 years ago are now making sense. I continue to read mine often.

I am forever grateful for men and young men who are worthy to hold God's power to bless my family. My God is a god of miracles and love and uses the priesthood channel to direct that love and those tender mercies through worthy men on this earth.

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