29 August 2016

First lost tooth

Alex informed us last night that he had a loose tooth. A very loose tooth which did not make it through the night.

We searched the bed and nothing. The only other alternative is down the hatch (we didn't tell him it might be swimming in his stomach). Ty and I kind of mourned this day: it signaled that our baby is moving quickly into that young boy stage. Soon after he was born and during our home build, I remember many days of just wanting to sit and hold him because I knew it would go so quickly.

Erik must have had the same thought.

Before leaving for his first day of a whole day of first grade, Alex quickly wrote a note to the tooth fairy and put it under his pillow.

Ah, the tooth fairy. He's quite an unreliable fellow at our home. I sure hope he doesn't disappoint tonight.

What's going on in my yard
Apples. My apples are ripe and ready for eating. I've already dried some and made applesauce and apple crisp. I'm hoping to make some apple pie filling this week. We were also smart enough to cover our trees with netting and so far the birds have left them alone. Hallelujah!

These are the days of . . . 
*boating activities with the youth

*nesting; it seems every fall when the kids go back to school I find myself cleaning, organizing, dejunking; boy does it feel good to regroup after all the summer festivities

*difficult planned conversations gone awry

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