29 March 2015

Love 15 30 40 Duece

I never thought my kid's little tennis club would amount to much. During the summer when we lived in Stansbury, they and their cousins would ride their bikes to the tennis courts by the school and play.

And here we are 6 or 7 years later and Erik is rocking the tennis team.

(the above photos are courtesy of my friend Claudia Jackson -- https://www.flickr.com/photos/perpetualmemories)

He started out basically at the bottom of the totem pole and has worked his way up, challenging players ahead of him, until he's second on junior varsity.

This past weekend his team had an invitational tournament in St. George and look what he came home with.

The basketball team didn't really pan out like he thought it might, so I'm just happy for him that he's found something else to excel at. And it's super nice to see our rebounder at home get some use.

I'm also learning that tennis etiquette is much more different than basketball etiquette. I'm not allowed to hoop and holler when he makes a good hit or aces a serve. Restraining myself to sit proper and clap at appropriate times is going to be quite challenging for a girl who enjoys cheering her team on.