10 January 2015

Someone just lost all their wisdom

We love our dentist! We've been with Dr. Pettit since before we had kids and longer than any other health care professional and are even willing to travel to Salt Lake to see him and his staff.

He's been telling me that there is this window of opportunity to get wisdom teeth out. You want to do it when the roots are there but not too deep and the tooth is big enough to get a grip on to pull it out.

Kiersten went in to get hers out yesterday by Dr. Stoker, an oral surgeon recommended to us by Dr. Pettit. And ya know, Dr. Pettit was spot on. Or at least Kiersten has been the best case scenario.

Ash spent a good chunk of the evening Thursday night finding YouTube videos of patients coming out of anesthesia. I was under strict orders to film Kiersten. Well I didn't have the heart to pull out my camera while she was lying there in the chair, eyes closed, mouth opened. But Kiersten let me film her in the car. At the time I thought she was sounding okay, but after watching the video I could tell she was still out of it. She doesn't remember me helping her put her coat on or walking down the hall or getting in the elevator or getting in the car.

She has taken it somewhat easy. But after a day of sitting around, she convinced me to let her walk on the treadmill. And at this moment I'm listening to her create beautiful music on our piano. When we got home, the others had created a soft, comfortable spot for her to relax and had even set our dinner bell close by that all she had to so was ring and they would be at her beckon call.

There has been very little pain or discomfort other than the numbness wearing off her tongue and lips.

I hope all the others go so smoothly.

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