03 October 2014

End of summer

I know you've been waiting.


Well, here it is. We've only been in the swing of fall for a little over a week.

Fish Lake
My family loves the camp. But the kind of camping we did as kids was quite rugged, four wheeling into places we shouldn't have taken trucks, let alone vans. Now that I have my own van, there is no way I'm taking it where we like to go. So the hunt was on for a good, fun place easily navigated in a van.

Katie and Jeff introduced us to Fish Lake. Okay, like so many other places I've been to recently . . . WHY DID WE NEVER COME HERE AS KIDS? It is seriously as close as "going up the mountain."

So commenced our first annual Seamons Reunion. Now we tend to get together a lot, but have never gotten together under the umbrella of "Reunion." Just the name reunion makes you kind of want to run and hide. Not really.



Four wheeling

Air soft guns

Gotta have the right masks for that


Holding babies

 Solving the world's problems

Nate didn't really want to go home.

But we did. And stopped at the Flying J zoo in Scipio and found a camel.

And then a month later, my baby sister got married. I am so excited for her to start this new journey.

I love all my sisters. They are some of my best friends.

And that, my friends, concludes one CRAZY summer.

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