14 July 2014

Magnify your calling

I subscribe to a Facebook group for my Primary chorister calling. One of the ladies there posted something about callings and how we view callings and it has stuck with me this past month. I even got to share it yesterday at church so I'll share it with you also.
"When something is magnified, it doesn't become bigger, we simply see it with more clarity.

It's kind of funny how such a simple observation could mean so much. We hear the phrase 'magnify your calling' a lot. Seems like the phrase is always used in the sense of making your calling bigger -- putting in more time, going above and beyond expectations, etc. That's what it has always meant to me (and I tend not to use the phrase). 

Anyway, I love the phrase now. Magnify your calling means to see more clearly the important details of your calling. Seeing the Lord's purposes and how your calling helps His children doesn't require us to make the callings bigger than they should be. It literally does not include changing perspective, either. It just means a closer look with the aid of an instrument. The spiritual instruments we use are prayer and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Faith, hope and gratitude keep those instruments running smoothly."
-- Stephanie Weight Hadfield

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