Every day he climbs the stairs to Ty's office to ask him, "Dad, can I have something from your drawer?" because Tyler keeps treats in one of his desk drawers and Alex knows it. Today was no different and Tyler gave him a sucker and then helped him unwrap it. Alex reclaimed it and then held it up for him to see and said, "Dad, do I hold it correct?" as if he were holding a pencil. I've been attempting to teach him to hold his pencils and crayons in the right position and apparently he's catching on.
One day I came down the stairs and Alex was in the kitchen looking my way with his hands up by his eyes as if looking out of some binoculars. "Mom, can you see my lookers?"
Alex has a favorite "white blankie" that tends to get lost a lot or left at grandma's. One day it was lost again and we searched and searched. Tyler told him to go look upstairs. "I already did and it's not quite here." Well, go look downstairs. "I already did and it's not quite here."
A hok gog to go with your nilk in the gark, but don't bring your wankie (A hot dog to go with your milk in the dark, but don't bring your blankie).
"I'm not hungry. I got all filled up to my head."
"Mom, I love you so much."
His favorite game is Candyland and boy do we get to play it a lot in our family. Seriously, I think it might be around 50 times a day he's managed to con someone into playing with him.
For Primary he was picked to recite the monthly scripture. We practiced it for a whole week and thought he had it down. When he got in front, he froze but still managed to eek it out with me whispering in his ear.
He's OFFICIALLY potty-trained. We made it into a game where he beats us to the potty and then flushes so "you don't get to see the pees!" I love having no diapers. It's a wonderful thing to be done with that.
As the chorister in Primary, I've had the kids review Choose the Right this last month. Sometime this last week I overheard Alex singing choose the right to himself. He's also been singing a lot of Doing As I'm Doing.
This past year Alex has been part of a little neighborhood co-op preschool. I had to teach the letter P one day and we Pretended to be Pirates. Erik even made me a treasure map for a treasure hunt where the treasure was Pretzels and Purple (Koolaid) Popcorn. Every day he wonders if preschool is at his house.
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