07 March 2014


I'm attempting to clean out and organize years of papers. Papers that have just gradually piled up. I have a habit of writing thoughts and impressions that come to me on little scraps of paper and sadly they get buried . . . deep, never to be retrieved for several years.
I seriously threw out the BYU Women's Conference booklets from 2006, 2007, and 2009. Now why would I hold onto those? I'm sure I had a reason at the time, but by now my memory has failed me. So to still preserve some of the things I must have recorded for a reason, here ya go.

Wealth lies not in the extent of our possessions, but in the fewness of wants.

Alex: "Ashie sang Jingle Bells and it was beautiful."

Alex: "It's frozen out here." (I think he meant freezing.)

Nate in discussing real Christmas trees versus fake Christmas trees: "We live in a world with so much artificial stuff. It's nice to have something real."

LDS bishop post on Facebook: A family living in a trailer park was needing some help and someone posted on Facebook that they could contact so and so who was an LDS bishop. I thought how nice it is that the church is known for helping those in need, whether they are members of our congregations or not.

Look at what else I uncovered:

This is something Tyler wrote about me for church one Sunday when we were newlyweds living in a small Logan apartment, doing our best to get through college 16 YEARS AGO!! This scrap of paper has moved from Logan to Salt Lake to Magna to Stansbury and finally here to Lake Point.

Some of it is true. I was born on March 9 in Logan. We did have a tree house we played in a lot. It was more like a house on stilts.

(1st tree house)
(2nd tree house that had electricity)

I do have two brothers but I remember a lot more fights with them than actual playing. In fact one day I wouldn't allow Reed to play house with me and Matt under a tarp out in the grove of trees in our front yard. Well, he wasn't too pleased with that and found a hammer and proceeded to hit me over the head with the claw end. I ended up only needing several stitches. I suspect he was only trying to knock some sense into me.

And as for fishing . . . I've never really enjoyed fishing. I simply don't have the patience for it, except maybe when we're reeling in striped bass as fast as we can.
If I had a million dollars, I would NOT buy scuba gear. I tried it once in our backyard pond and absolutely thought I was going to suffocate when I got to the bottom. I never really got the hang of breathing and couldn't stand the sight of fish swimming right in front of my face.

I do love my vacuum. Tyler thinks I always have this happy smile on my face when I'm vacuuming. Maybe I do. But he always has a happy smile on his face when he's driving MY Toyota truck. :)

And we definitely found the right small town to live in. Our little town reminds me so much of home but with more conveniences.

Stayed tuned for some other exciting pieces of history to be uncovered.

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