05 May 2013

Star students

Remember the email I sent to Erik's principal?

Well a couple of days later I got a letter in the mail informing me that Erik had been selected as Student of the Month by someone at school.

My first thought was the principal. Ha ha. Wouldn't that have been funny. I didn't really find out who it was until I attended the awards/breakfast assembly (and yes, the principal was there).

Apparently his CTE teacher thinks he's pretty much the bomb. This is what Mr. Peterson had to say about Erik:

Erik has acquired and exhibits all the good qualities teachers love to see in their students. He comes to class prepared and anxious to participate and learn. Erik set an example to other students in applying himself to the work at hand and setting a high standard for quality. He willingly and enthusiastically accepts a challenge and then goes about exceeding expectations. Erik has earned the respect of other students, teachers, and administrators. I enjoy Erik very much as a student.

Last week I got a call from Mrs. Young, the principal at the elementary, letting me know that Ashlyn was selected by her teacher to receive a Sunshine Note which is a note sent home and a call from the principal letting us know about the good things she has been doing at school. This is what Mrs. Clark had to say about Ash:

I have truly enjoyed spending this year with Ashlyn. She is brilliant in every sense of the word. She brings such a vibrant, positive energy to our class. She is incredibly intelligent and is always engaged and eager to learn more. I especially love her wonderful personality. She has a fun sense of humor and is friendly and helpful to everyone. Ashlyn is an absolute joy.

Even though Kiersten and Nate were happy for their siblings, they both had to lament that "I've never been Student of the Month" and "I've never received a Sunshine Note." I hope they know what equally smart, good students they are.

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