17 May 2013

School is coming to an end

It's begun.

All the crazy end-of-school activities, reports, presentations, awards assemblies.

I will survive.

We started with Ash and a class puppet show. Cute puppets but those poor kids just could not enunciate very well, so I'm afraid I didn't understand anything going on. Please forgive the crazy eyes. But can you tell which eye was the droopy one that started all the crazy cancer stuff?

Her award assembly followed where she got every award EXCEPT perfect attendance. I don't believe in perfect attendance and I'm sure glad my kids don't either. She sure has expressive eyes today, doesn't she?

Then there was the award assembly for presidential fitness. Nathan invited me to come because he would be receiving an award. What I wasn't prepared to hear was Ashlyn's name announced also. To receive the presidential award, Nate and Ash had to score at or above the 85th percentile in the shuttle run, v-sit, curl-ups, endurance run and pull ups.

Our old neighbor in Stansbury was in charge this year and called us one weekend to let us know that Nathan was 3 seconds away in the endurance run of one mile from being able to get presidential. So she let us go to the track to try again. Erik paced him and Katie and I timed and cheered him on. He was able to beat it by 3 seconds and received his award.

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