24 August 2012


It's here! You know that feeling, the one when you really feel the urge to clean and organize and dejunk. That's where I am. TNS has hit hard like it does every August. I didn't want to come right out and call it The Nesting Syndrome in case you might think I'm announcing something, so for the record I am not having a baby, I just have a whole list of rooms I want to tackle now that the kids are day dreaming away in school and I know those rooms will stay in tact for a little while.

So far I've gone through all the clothes boxes and have taken three black garbage sacks of clothing to the DI, cleaned out the shed, and tackled the guest room. Today I was feeling so motivated I kept moving right along to my office which is entirely in shambles. I've come to the conclusion that too much horizontal space is very bad. I tend to drop stuff wherever there is a clear spot and then piles start to blossom and expand.

In one of those many Mt. Everest-size piles, I came across some thoughts I had written down from somewhere, probably one of the many books or articles I have lingering about.

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It's about being attuned enough to notice when your kid's eyes shine so you can make your eyes shine back. --IRIS KRASNOW
I love that! Children can definitely tell if you're listening and if you're excited about what they are telling you.

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I am not only raising my children but also my grandchildren. 
Not sure where this one came from; maybe it was a thought I had. 

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Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. --VICTOR HUGO 
Isn't that a comforting thought, to know that Someone is on duty all night 

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Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. --JAMES BALDWIN

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