09 July 2012

FHE lately

Be assured we still do hold our weekly family home evening. We've just been lazy about pictures.

Have I mentioned how crazy May can be? We did fit in a trip to the West Valley Fitness Center to swim (still trying to get use out of our passes before they expire) and then to 7-11 for Slurpees.

One week Kiersten had us play hide-n-seek all over the house like the kids used to when we first moved in. I didn't realize there were so many good places to hide.

Erik's birthday happened to fall on a Monday evening and Memorial Day we worked at getting packed as we all headed to different destinations for 10 days.

During June Tyler and I were in Alaska and the others were spread around.

Ash gave us a lesson on temples one night and on another we talked about trek and watched 17 Miracles. I shared a story about Tyler's Aunt Pam that was emailed to us 4 or 5 years ago by her husband Uncle Bob. 

She was participating in trek that year riding a horse. Aunt Pam was asked to take a leather coat to someone. But as the coat was being brought to her, the horse she was on got spooked by it, reared up, and landed on top of her with the saddle horn hitting her right in the chest. She knew she was in a lot of trouble as she felt the bleeding inside and immediately asked for a blessing. The ma's and pa's were asked to gather their families together and pray for her.

As she was given the blessing, she felt the feeling that she was bleeding go away and was told she would make a complete recovery. She was life-flighted to the hospital where a trauma team was waiting to perform numerous surgeries based on the EMT reports. However, there was nothing to operate on and the doctor found no evidence of internal bleeding.

The stake president who gave her the priesthood blessing later told Uncle Bob how it was revealed to him that her injuries were very serious and life threatening but that as he began the blessing he knew she would be healed and recover.

"We have been blessed with a miracle in our family that has been shared with hundreds of people. Pam worried that her accident had disrupted trek or taken away from it. Everyone tells us that the experience enhanced their experience and helped their trek families pull together as they prayed together for Pam."

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