19 July 2012

Alaska - Juneau

Juneau just happens to be the capital city of Alaska, but the catch is that the only way to get to Juneau is either by boat, plane, or birth canal. There are no roads in or out. At one point they tried to move the capital to Anchorage but that didn't go over too well.

Downtown Juneau, Very hilly

We were told that Juneau is where you go whale watching. Tyler and I tried whale watching in Anacortes, outside of Seattle, but never got to see anything. This time we were hopeful that this particular excursion would pay off.
And it did. There were also harbor seals and bald eagles, lots of eagles.

Okay, I just have to point out that if you go on a cruise to Alaska, chances are pretty good that you'll be hanging out with a crowd of old retirees. Proof is in the matching jackets.
Tyler and I fit right in! (Thank you CUNA Mutual for the matchy-matchy jackets we got in Ireland. They totally made our trip to Alaska that much more comfortable.) And, no, retirement is nowhere in the near future.

Mendenhall Glacier was next on our itinerary with its gorgeous ice. It's called calving when it breaks off and falls into the lake or ocean exposing a deep blue, almost purple, color. The waterfall next to it was pretty amazing too. Kind of put the Multnomah Falls in Oregon to shame.

After a long day of sight seeing, we were greeted in our room by this:
Apparently my books took precedence over Tyler's if you notice his is still laying on his nightstand. Also we always had a chocolate, but devouring that also took precedence over the picture taking.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

How fun! Did you fish, too?