Alex gave me a wonderful gift about a month ago, the very Sunday he turned 19 months old.
He decided that was the day he would stay in nursery . . . without me.
It was so wonderful to be able to actually focus on singing in Primary without my little sidekick terrorizing my church bag. I think the kids were able to focus a little better too without all the distractions.
And as much as I love him and enjoy having him around, it was a good day.
- He's becoming a talker; can say mom VERY WELL, almost too well. Some other words: helper, Ash, Nate, Tay Tay (Kiersten), Ick (Erik), Dad, bye bye, goodnight, table, basketball, eye, uh oh, no, atch (watch), oovie (movie), up (means both up and down). We'll say, "I'll eat you . . ." and Alex will finish with "up."
- He can sign the words table, ball, refrigerator, computer, book.
- He does not like the wind and will gulp if he is ever out in it, thinking he can't breathe.
- He really enjoys pulling everything out of my bathroom cabinet while I'm getting ready.
- He's a good helper, i.e., loves to put his dirty clothes in the hamper, throw away his diapers, put my pillows on the bed.
- He is NOT a morning person or a wake-up-from-nap-pleasant-kind-of-a-guy. It takes him about an hour to really get his groove going. But hey, at 9:30 at night he's running circles around all of us.
- Usually his first words/phrase when he wakes up is "atch oovie". That is really quite sad and I'll admit we do watch our share of "potty" shows at our house.
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