02 February 2012

January FHE

For Christmas my mother-in-law gave us a Chinese take out box filled with family home evening ideas for the next year (52 weeks) plus some spending cash to make it happen. Her only stipulation is that we had to take pictures and email them to her.
WEEK 1: Erik has been our designated photographer. However, I can't seem to find the picture of Ash giving the lesson. She read a cute story out of The Friend magazine about a girl who had earned some four quarters and headed to the store to buy something for herself but instead came home with a mix to make a chocolate cake for her dad's birthday. Ash even had four quarters and a chocolate cake mix as props to go with it. Darn it!

WEEK 2: We drew names and headed to the library to pick out a book for the person whose name we drew. The rule was we only had to read 20 pages of the book. Ash was pretty excited for me to read The Silver Crown by the author of The Rats of Nimh. She was pretty sure I had read the rat book and would like this one. I haven't but maybe I'll like The Silver Crown. In the next couple of weeks we're going to have everyone report on their book. A visit to Arctic Circle topped off the night.

WEEK 3: Usually the first FHE of the new year year we review everyone's height and weight and goals for the previous year and then record all that again for the new year. We were just a little behind this year and didn't get to it until the middle of January. Alex didn't really like standing on the scale but was happy to get his height measured. He was the one who grew the most. Ash has FINALLY put on a few pounds and I am continuing to shrink. Not sure I like where this is headed. We finished with Rango. It was a pretty lame movie in my opinion. I even managed to fall asleep for part of it. No surprise there.

WEEK 4: Erik gave us a lesson on how to get more out of sacrament meetings. Actually, I should say that John Bytheway gave our lesson. We watched several small clips with Erik thinking that each one was "the one" he wanted us to watch. He finally gave up and handed out small notebooks for his siblings and a pen to take notes during the meeting. 

**I read something today where the parents would right down questions about sacrament meeting to be asked after church. The one who could answer the most questions correctly got a small prize or treat. I think I'll have to try that one.

 WEEK 5: This past Monday Tyler surprised us all with tickets to the Jazz game. We had a most enjoyable evening with lots of cheering and yelling. The kids have all been a little hoarse this week and I came home with a headache from yelling so much. But those Jazz pulled it off.
Stayed tuned for next month's FHE.


mommaquincy said...

A win/win/win gift; you get the fun activities, you mom gets to hear about them and I get to see and hear about them! What a great idea!

Seamons Family said...

This is so cool! Your kids will remember these days forever! It will mark their lives so keep up the good work!