26 April 2010

An aha moment

Ever have one of those moments when the light bulb goes on?

Mine wasn't anything spectacular. Yesterday for Sharing Time we were talking about what the word GOSPEL meant and I had the kids look it up in the bible dictionary. They discovered it meant GOOD NEWS. So I asked what the good news was. Someone said the atonement of Jesus Christ and then we broke it down further into

1. We all will be resurrected and live forever and
2. We can live with our Heavenly Father again and have the life he has if we do what we should in this life.

Later that day I was thinking of the scripture in Moses 1:39 where Heavenly Father tells us that his goal is bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. And then came my aha moment: That is exactly what the atonement covers. It makes immortality and eternal life possible. Without it there would be no hope of attaining those two things and God's work and glory would have been frustrated.

I've always known to some degree what the atonement of Jesus Christ was all about, but I just never connected the dots between that particular scripture and what Jesus Christ did for me and essentially all of us. How grateful I am that HE chose to fulfill HIS particular mission.


mommaquincy said...

I love those moments! I get lots of them in my scripture study group!

Seamons Family said...

Thank you for that Aha moment, it so simplified something that is the greatest miracle of all. It makes it so much clearer our purpose here on earth.