21 May 2010

March of the Toys

Early this morning around 5 am I was awakened by Ashlyn crying uncontrollably as she tried to tell me something. My first thoughts as I tried to understand her were "she's thrown up" or "she's peed the bed."

 It was neither. Her toys were on the move. She literally thought her toys were moving in her room, and it had her petrified. I immediately put her in bed between Tyler and me, told her she was safe, and then she fell back to sleep.

We questioned her later about her experience. She repeatedly told me how she laid in bed watching her toys move, and then I told her how brave she was to get out of bed to come and tell me. We have no idea how long she laid there. The poor girl. But just look at her room. I would probably think things were moving to at 5 o'clock in the morning too.


mommaquincy said...

I remember thinking things were moving in my room in the half light. I always had a sister in the room with me though.

Ambs said...

haha... that's cute. Maybe she was having a dream. There's not a whole lot to dream about when you're that age.