28 March 2010

Thick of thin things

Do you ever wonder how you can possibly accomplish everything . . . and then one more thing gets added.

Lately I feel as though my life is spiraling out of control.

Well, not really. But life is just busy. Busier than I'd like.

I'm kind of looking forward to this week of spring break where at least I won't have to think about school projects and homework. And then one more quarter of school which means one more quarter closer to having this baby. When I first suspected this pregnancy and a potential due date I thought to myself, "When school is over I will be close to delivering this baby." Anyway, I'm feeling really thick lately and have been wishing for my thinner self. I'm sure it's because of the warm weather. I'm missing my runs outside, and even though I do work out on my elliptical it's just not the same.

Back to the title of my post "thick of thin things."
I have tried harder with this pregnancy to keep myself more fit. However, I have not been keeping myself spiritually fit. I was afraid this would happen when we started thinking of building a house and then found out another child would be coming to our family. I even told myself at the beginning of all this I would not let the craziness interfere.

But I have.

I have become mired in the thick of thin things.
I have become mired in trivial matters.

And at the end of the day when I'm so tired from all the inconsequential matters that all I want to do is veg in front of the television, I tend to forget my prayers.

Not good.

Not good at all especially since I also haven't read my scriptures on a regular basis in a long time. I've picked them up here and there, but how easy it is to get out of a regular habit.

My Primary calling no longer holds any appeal for me either. I wish I could be excited about it, but I'm just not.

I've mentally slapped my hand and am recommitting to a stronger exercise regimen for my spirit:
Daily doses of prayer and scripture study. Hopefully this is the cure for my feeling so out of control lately.

I also can't wait for conference this next weekend. It's been almost 18 months since I actually tuned in to the TV to watch (last April we were in Korea and in October it was California).


mommaquincy said...

I think that there's nothing like conference to give us a spiritual boost! I'm in a scripture study group that meets every 2 weeks. We each take a turn to write the study guide and we are only allowed to comment in the meeting from what we have written in our study guide, so that we stay scripture focused. It really helps me with my personal study time! I could email you the study guides if you're interested. Its not a lot of reading, and you can get as indepth with the study guide as you want. We've reading Mosiah. We're thinking about doing Exodus or Revelations next.

Missy said...

I would love a copy. A scripture study group sounds like such a good idea. I like how you only get to talk about what you've written down. I attend our book club and most times we discuss the book for several minutes and then it's on to other chatter. We don't stay very focused a lot of the time.

Seamons Family said...

I always think of the scripture--opposition in all things. When life gets hard and crazy it truly makes you appreciate those more serene moments when you are all together as a family and feel that love for one another and the laughter you share. I bought me a new picture frame that says LAUGH--the best thing to hold on to in life is each other. I have your Dad's picture in it to remind me that he makes me laugh and how I need to hold on to his strength!