18 June 2009

"I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee . . . "

Oooh, he stung me!

I was rushing to get the lawn mowed before it rained . . . again. And in my hurry I decided to forgo the shoes and Mr. Bumblebee introduced himself to my foot.

I was rather rude and quickly made my exit to the house. Ty took care of the stinger for me and then he said goodbye to Mr. Bumblebee and obliterated him.

I haven't been stung since I was a kid and thought the pain would subside rather quickly. The pain went away eventually, but now I'm dealing with an itchy, swollen foot.

I hope it goes away soon. I've got a race to run next week.


mommaquincy said...

that looks suspiciously like a bee allergy! Have you tried Loratadine or Benadryl?

Angie said...

You are quite the trooper! You never mentioned anything everytime I have seen you. How does it feel now? I hope you were still able to run your race ok.