03 June 2009

Chocolate cake, for breakfast?

Bill Cosby Narrative
My wife woke me up 4:00 in the morning. She said, "I want you to go downstairs and cook breakfast for the children." And I looked at the clock and I said, "Dear, it's 6:00 in the morning." She said, "Exactly. Go down and cook for the children. They have to go to school." I said, "Yes, but to eat at 6:00, isn't that bad for your stomach? I mean, they just ate twelve hours ago." My wife said, "Bill, get out of that bed and go downstairs and cook breakfast for your children!!" I said, "Well, I don't know what they want to eat." She said, "It's down there! Now you get out of the bed!"
The first one down was the four-year-old. The child looked lovely. Cute little face, clean. Hair in little braids, little things, you know. "Good morn', Daddy." And I said, "What do you want for breakfast!?" The four-year-old has the ability to see through and find the wrong thing. The child saw through my body what was behind me. She saw the chocolate cake. She said, "Can I have the chocolate cake?" And I said, "Chocolate cake, where?" She said, "Chocolate cake behind you." And I looked... and there was chocolate cake! The child wanted chocolate cake for breakfast! How ridiculous! And I said... and someone in my brain looked under chocolate cake and saw the ingredients: eggs! Eggs are in chocolate cake! And milk! Oh goody! And wheat! That's nutrition! "What do you want?" "Can I have some chocolate cake?" "Chocolate cake coming up." Sliced it for her and served it. "Now, you need something to drink with the chocolate cake, something breakfast... grapefruit juice!" So I give the child a glass of grapefruit juice and chocolate cake --- nutrition. Eggs, milk, and wheat in the chocolate cake. And... I didn't have to cook. And the other four came downstairs. And when they came downstairs... Those of you who have children, you've seen them come downstairs for school. And they got to the kitchen. They saw the four-year-old eating chocolate cake. And they said, "Dad! Where did she get the chocolate cake?" And they went to the child and said, "How did you get chocolate cake?" She said, "Dad give me chocolate cake!" And they looked at me and said, "Father... could we have chocolate cake?" And their father said, "Chocolate cake coming up!!" Four slices --- and grapefruit juice! And five children sat at breakfast and the morning music was playing and they were eating chocolate cake and singing songs to me: "Dad is great! Give us the chocolate cake!" And we had a ball until...
And so this morning, on this last day of school, I fed my kids chocolate cake. I sense the beginnings of a long-lasting tradition.


Linda said...

This was a fun memory. I love that you made your kids chocolate cake for breakfast. I may have to do it tomorrow for our last day of school.

mommaquincy said...

Great idea! You are good at family traditions!

courtnee said...

how exciting is that to wake up to chocolate cake or any cake for that matter-great idea I might have to steal that one.