23 May 2009

Puppy love

Oh, to be a fly on the wall.

This is what I witnessed when I chaperoned Nate's class on their field trip to This Is the Place state park. I won't say my jaw didn't drop because I did have the presence of mind to snap a shot before pulling him away. I shouldn't have been surprised. This is a kid who's love language is touch. He loves hugs and rubs.

Several months ago as I was going through his backpack, I came across a little note that was apparently left in his cubby: "Dear Nathen, You are sweet. From Alyssa." He insists that they don't love each other, just like. That's good.

Erik, listening in on our conversation, voluntarily added that he kind of likes Bethany, a girl in his class and also in our ward.

Kiersten then added that she was the target of Josh's admiration this week. I guess he changes a lot. He told her he thought she was cute with her hair down (this is a girl who likes ponytails).

I wonder what other information might come my way if I'm quiet enough and just listen.


Linda said...

I have a similar picture of Mia from her recent field trip to the zoo.

courtnee said...

Your randon things was fun it took me down memory lane thanks- I can relate to alot of them.

Missy said...

Whenever I think about cleaning houses or when I'm home and run by Eva's house, I remember the times we spent there cleaning and how she got after us for talking. There was to only be cleaning. I owe you a lot for getting me started with the cleaning thing. It carried with me all the way through college. Thank you!

mommaquincy said...

Its very eye opening to watch your children grow up.