24 September 2008

This post is dedicated to Gwen

Last night we had a ladies night out with Sara Lynes, Kami Porter, and my sister-in-law Gwen Ruebush. We attended a Healthy Woman seminar at the clubhouse devoted to promoting healthy eating in your family. On the way home Sara asked why she could not get into my blog. I was a caught off guard a little not knowing how she could possibly know I kept an online blog. Here's the gist of the conversation (definitely not word for word since my brain doesn't function that quickly):

Gwen: You have a blog?
Me: Ya, it's private.
Sara: Oooh. I wonder what she says about Gwen.
Me: No, I haven't said anything. I mean private in that that whole world can't read it. I'd have to invite you.
Gwen: Uh, uh.
Me: I'll send you an invite so you can see I haven't written anything bad about you

So here's what I like about Gwen:
  • she's a lot like me and who wouldn't like me (just kidding, I'm not that egotistical, BUT she really is a lot like me)
  • she's organized
  • she gets things accomplished (has organized a triathlon for the past 2 years)
  • she's a self-starter
  • she makes very good bread
  • she's friendly
  • she enjoys learning and will devote time to learn all she can about a subject
  • she's willing to watch my kids
  • she has a genuine smile
  • she likes to get your opinion on something instead of pretending to know it all
  • she likes to keep fit and active and eat healthy
For clarification: Sara was referring to my website and the photos we have password protected. I really haven't told anyone about my blog other than my sisters, mom, and Tyler. And now Sara, Kami, and Gwen know. Tyler's been after me to tell the family about it, but how do you do that? "Hey, everyone. I have this blog like 10,000 other people and would really like you to take time out of your very busy lives to read about me, Me, ME." No, this blog isn't really for anyone but myself. BUT, I don't mind if other people want to read it. It's just easier if someone else promotes it (I really dislike self-promoters).

1 comment:

Sara Lynes said...

You are so funny! I love to read people's blogs because they are typically less inhibited on a blog. More real life as we know it. It really was funny how this all happened,with the blog thing. I am glad that it did,because now I can get to know one of my best friends even better!