21 September 2008

I Am a Child of God

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED . . . Our Primary program was a success today!

This time of the year is always so chaotic and maybe I bring more on myself by the way I do it.
...I like to hand out speaking assignments and have the children write their own parts. But it never fails; I am always waiting for 1 or 2 parents to get the parts back to me. That causes me some stress.
...I also do the actual program and this year it took me over an hour and using Ty's computer and printer to get it to print right (not to mention hours putting it together with every child's picture on the front).
...I gave up trying to find parts for everyone and we ended right on time this year. I hope no one was too sad.
...I like to put together program binders for the teachers with a copy of the program, speaking parts for children in their class, and a seating chart to help situate everyone in the right spots.

Despite the countless hours putting it all together so it flows smoothly and the many bike trips around the ward handing out parts and reminders, and a lot of grumbling and complaining and wishing I didn't have to do it, I love the feeling I get at the end. And the compliments I receive for a job well done. It never ceases to amaze me how well it goes when we actually perform in Sacrament. Those kids sing with all their hearts and today was no exception. At several points in the program when they began singing, I got goosebumps, my heart swelled within me, and I got a little teary-eyed as I listened to their angelic voices. IT MAKES IT ALL WORTH IT and I vow to not complain and grumble next year.

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