13 April 2008

The Lion, the Witch, and the Really Detestable Candy

Delicious or Vile?

For anyone who has ever read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, there is a scene where Edmund has followed his little sister Lucy into Narnia to discover he cannot find her. Soon after the White Witch happens upon him and offers him a ride in her sleigh. He dares not disobey her as she seduces him with a warm drink and Turkish Delight. At this point you begin to wonder, "What is Turkish Delight?" The narrator explains that Turkish Delight is enchanted, causing whomever eats it to feel an insatiable greed for more . . . "And Edmund had never tasted anything more delicious." Well, I can only imagine that it must taste like the finest chocolate or something so buttery and rich it melts in your mouth.

Voila! Edmund's object of gluttony was discovered the other night when we visited the London Market in Salt Lake City to get a flavor for the UK before embarking on our journey in a couple of weeks. Our family was very excited to taste Narnia's Turkish Delight.

The poll: 1 for and 5 against

It has a gummy center, enrobed with chocolate and can only be describe as tasting like a flower, a rose in particular, or somewhat like detergent or soap. Ashlyn is the only member of our family that actually likes it. In fact she likes it so much, I came home from running to find she had helped herself to the leftovers. She told me, "I didn't eat all the box." Ugh!

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