19 July 2020

July 6 and 13 Missionary Emails

June 6
Great Week!

Hey all. It was a great week here in Florida. Elder Duarte and I got a new companion so we are in a trio. He's super dope. We have so much in common. It's been really good to have another person to help motivate us. He just got reassigned from Brazil after being home for a few months.

We were able to have a few member lessons this week that went really well. I feel like I'm starting to know who everyone in the ward is now.

One of my favorite previous companions, Elder Tempest, also just got transferred next to us and it's been super fun serving around him again. Yes I know I shouldn't have favorites. He brought a pickleball set and we've been doing that for our exercise time. I never knew how fun pickleball was. (Tennis is still better though.)

We also had a District BBQ for the Fourth. We have a really good district. We're all super close.

Anyway, having Elder Sullivan here has been perfect for us. We've been really productive all week and are excited for this transfer. 

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July 13

We had such a good week here. We found a new guy named Mubashir. He doesn't have a religious background at all, but he is so excited to learn. He's been reading the Book of Mormon and praying and has been accepting everything we teach. He was an online referral that we just got one day and reached out to and he turned out to be so solid. I really think he's going to get baptized, which would be a huge miracle during quarantine. 

Barbara has still been unresponsive. We even left her a note with an origami squirrel at her house. She didn't even respond to that. If an origami squirrel didn't work I don't think anything will. So we may have to wait until church starts again to start teaching her again. 

We spent a lot of time making videos this week for our zone Facebook page. We also had some really good member lessons. The members are starting to get to know us, which makes scheduling member lessons easier. 

So basically we had a really productive week. We've been having a good time being in a trio and have had some cool miracles. Hopefully this trend continues and this next week is even better. 

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