March 17
Hey guys, so the world fell into a state of chaos this week, but we didn't really get affected by it too much. No more than anyone else. We have still been working like normal. This week was actually a really successful week. We found 6 new people to teach. We also had a really good lesson with Leroy and with Lupe.
We have still been tracting, teaching lessons, having meetings, etc.. The only things that really changed are that we can no longer eat meals in member's homes (big sad
) and we don't have church meetings. It's been fine though. I'm staying safe and I'll be fine in case any of you were worried.
We found some really cool people this week. A couple of them canceled our return appointments though because of coronavirus concerns, which is pretty understandable. I bet we'll be doing a lot of teaching over video chat and text pretty soon.
Leroy is progressing well. We had a lesson with him and a really cool member joined us for it. It went really well. He has been reading the Book of Mormon and likes it. He also said he would come to church, but coronavirus put a stop to that. We will keep meeting though. We are hoping to set a baptismal date with him this week.
Lupe also has been reading. She is doing well. Communication has been a big challenge though because she lost her phone, so we have to keep stopping by. As soon as church starts back up we'll take the next step and get her and Leroy both to church.
I'll end with a scripture that I think applies to us today. Matthew 25:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your [toilet paper]; for our [supplies] are [run] out. 9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to [Costco], and buy for yourselves. But Costco was closed, and when it finally opened it was too late and they couldn't get any. (I saw this on Facebook and thought it was funny. I take no credit.) I hope you all are prepared. Put your trust in the Lord, focus on Him and all will be fine.
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