So transfers aren't for another four weeks, but I guess President felt he needed to move some things around this week. We got a call Tuesday from President saying that Elder DeMoux was moving to St. Cloud and Elder Johnson as coming to be with me in Sanford. So he packed and we left the next morning. Elder Johnson is pretty new, but we have had a blast this week. We have so much in common. I'm really excited to be his companion.
We also got to go to an Alex Boyé concert this week. It was so much fun. I got some cool pics and videos, and we also got a pic with him. During the concert he also came and gave all the missionaries a shoutout. That was a really fun day. I didn't think I'd go to a legit concert on my mission haha.

Even with the crazy week we were able to have lots of lessons and find seven new people to teach. The Lord provided. Hopefully this upcoming week will be as good as last week.
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