21 November 2019

Ash has joined the tennis bandwagon

Ash joined the tennis team this year because when you have older siblings who excel at the sport and a favorite friends whose dad is the coach, it's just what you do.

She did well playing JV this year. With a little determination and practice, she'll continue to progress.

At the end of year banquet she was awarded the Energizer Bunny award. It was pretty fitting.

She brought such energy and enthusiasm to the team. Some of her close friends have been the senior girls on the team as in she hangs out with them outside of tennis.

Weird. . . . She can be weird sometimes.

My kids are so different than when I was that age. Those upperclassmen terrified me. They were soooooooo mature and cool and I was just nerdy and awkward. These kids of mine just seem to ooze confidence and are so comfortable in their own skin.

Can't wait for next season. Tennis continues on.

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