13 April 2019

Rockledge, another new area

Doctrine and Covenants 33:3 For behold, the field is white already to harvest; and it is the eleventh hour, and the last time that I shall call laborers into my vineyard.

Missionary work is getting more urgent. It is the eleventh hour. We don't have time to sit and wait, we need to be actively sharing the gospel with those around us. 

First off I'll give a little info about Rockledge and Elder Ward, my new companion. Rockledge is a huge ward on the east coast just north of Palm Bay. The ward here is amazing, the work is on fire here, and we have a great apartment which makes living here really nice. We have a great district here and Elder Squires, my trainer, is in my zone again so I'm super excited. Elder Ward has been out about 19 months and he is super fun. He is a great missionary and we have a lot of the same interests. It is going to be a  transfer.

We had some crazy weather this week. On Wednesday we had 6 Elders from our district in our apartment for breakfast, and we were just heading out to district meeting when a crazy storm hit. It started raining, then pouring, then hailing, then it started hailing golf balls. It lasted about 20 minutes off and on. I put a video of it in the Google drive. People were getting dents in their cars and holes in their pool screens and stuff. People here say they've never seen hail that bad before.

Other then that I've just been getting to know our investigators and the ward here. We have one investigator named John who's homeless. He is amazing and will probably be baptized soon. He just got a job and is working on getting back into a home. Sad story though, he was biking the other day over a bridge right when the crazy storm hit. He didn't have any shelter, so he had to endure the hail for a few minutes. He's ok though.

Another really cool guy we teach is Alan. He has had a lot of problems in the past and has some mental illnesses that are very hard for him to deal with. He reads the Book of Mormon with us every night and knows it is true. There are some things holding them back from baptism, but he will get there eventually. He is the greatest guy ever. 

Next week I'll have more info, but for now I'm getting to know the investigators and seeing how I can help each of them. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know that general conference is going to be fantastic. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

This week was a good week for 3 reasons. We started playing tennis for exercise time, so I'm super happy about that. We started teaching Kim and she is super solid. The last reason is General Conference. There were so many good talks.

Every morning we have time devoted to exercise, and we have started playing tennis every morning. We went last Monday and Elder Ward loved it, and I carry around 2 racquets with me, so we decided to walk to the courts every day. I have loved it so much and I have really missed tennis. Now I get to play all the time and I also find a college coach who wants to play me, so I'm super super excited.

As far as missionary work goes we had a good week. We got a list of members that need visits and we've been visiting those. We also started teaching Kim, a nice older lady. She recently broke her hip, so we have been doing service for her. This week we got to sit and have 2 lessons with her though. It went super well and she even watched Conference. She had heard some bad things about "Mormons" but we cleared that up fairly easily and she is also going to start reading the Book of Mormon. We are excited for her to start accepting the gospel.

The best about the week was General Conference. First of all because we got to have a sleep over Saturday after priesthood session, which was really fun. But more importantly there were some amazing talks. Some themes were the atonement, trusting in the Lord's timing, and sharing the gospel. I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk about sharing the gospel. I hope it inspired the members here and all of you as much as it hyped me up. I also think it's amazing how you can just tell that President Nelson is the prophet. He has such power when he speaks. I was also super excited to hear that Tooele County is getting a temple.

I hope all of you got some personal revelation from Conference. I did for sure. This is an amazing time to be on the Earth preparing the world for the second coming of our Savior. 

We found these doing service this week. Pretty stylish huh?

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