There has been nothing but craziness this week. It was not at all the normal missionary week. I'll go day by day for this email. Wednesday and Thursday were the craziest.
Monday: There is a new rule restricting us from using too many miles on P Days, so that meant that only a few missionaries could come to Rockledge last week, when usually the whole zone will come. We did play tennis and basketball still, so it wasn't too bad. Monday night we spent biking through the rain visiting people, so that was an adventure as always.
Tuesday: Tuesday was Zone Conference. I love Zone Conference. It was a long one, and we were gone until 5. We did get to have a member dinner and then a lesson with Lora, a recent convert.
Wednesday: Wednesday was quite a day. That morning I turned on a setting called Universal Switch on my phone, not knowing exactly what it was. What it did was make it so touching my screen didn't do anything, but instead I had to control my screen by using "switches" like blinking, nodding, etc. I hadn't set any of these switches up though, so basically I had no control of my phone. I couldn't get past the lock screen even because I couldn't type in my password because the screen didn't respond to my touches. After 3 hours of trying to fix it, the UBreakIFix guy fixed it for me.
Later that day we went to an investigator's house, but he wasn't home. He has A Ring door bell that he loves watching recordings on, so we always do funny things in front of it. Anyway, Elder Ward tried to ride his bike on his knees in front of his house. He crashed and banged up his knee, so our investigator probably got a hoot out of watching that.
Still on Wednesday, we were again biking, Elder Ward was looking at directions on his phone while biking and he noticed that he was heading toward a mailbox. He didn't want to hit it so he slammed on his brakes. The problem was that he had his phone in his right hand, so he only hit the brakes with his left hand. The left side controls the front tire, so while cruising down the road just his front tire came to a halt. This caused his bike to flip up into the air. He crashed and got kind of beat up, so we had to go back for the night. Not a good day.
Thursday: Elder DeMoux in Merritt Island had a medical problem, so he needed to go to the Urgent Care. We had the car, though, so we had to drive out there to take him. They didn't have a spot open for 4 hours though, and we didn't have enough miles to go back to Rockledge and then come back, so we spent the day in Merritt Island helping them out. We got to teach some of their investigators. We got Elder DeMoux taken care of, and it actually was a pretty fun day, just not very productive for us because we were never in our area.
Other than that, it was a good week. We taught Kim again. She was confused by the Book of Mormon, so she went to Google. She found out that Nephi saw Jesus. So she stopped reading. We told her that Nephi was not Jesus, and that we believe in the same Jesus she does, and that the Book of Mormon will teach her more about him. She is going to start reading again.
We also had someone show up to church yesterday saying they were searching for a truth and felt like they should come to ours. We will be meeting them this week. That was a MIRACLE.
We also just missed seeing a Falcon Heavy rocket launch. They launch just 15 miles from us. weren't sure if the exact time of the launch, but we heard a boom and went out in time to see the boosters come back down. I wish I could have seen the actual rocket though. Not very good luck this week overall. Hopefully next week we will get back into the regular rhythm of missionary work.