22 January 2019

Week 17ish

Another great week in Minneola. We started the week with a lot of tracting Tuesday. We talked to a 95 yo named Stanley and I want to be him when I grow up. We had zone conference Wednesday and that was fun, I got to meet lots of new missionaries. We also had a crazy lesson with Anthony and now he's getting married this week. I'll talk a lot about him later. Saturday we went to Elder Grant's old area for a baptism. It was pretty funny, the guy was 300 lbs and Elder Grant's trainer Elder Witt baptized him. He only weighs about 130 lbs.

Stanley is the coolest guy ever. We knocked on his door and he said he was glad we were doing what we were doing but he was good. We left and finished knocking his street. About an hour later, we came back and Stanley was outside trimming his bushes on a ladder. He is 95. We offered to help, but he said if he stops moving he'll die. We talked to him and he said he flew a bomber in WW2. After that he played for the Red Sox making 400 a week. He loved baseball, but said he couldn't play anymore. Because when he was 85 he hurt his knee when he was playing baseball and he slid into 3rd base. He said he was safe though, which is what really mattered. Super cool guy.

I'm now in the North part of the mission, so for Zone Conference I met lots of new people because it was my first one not in the south. It was great, and we got a lot of new ideas for how to be better missionaries.

So Anthony, he is moving in with his girlfriend in a few weeks. We taught the Law of Chastity and said he would have to either not live with her or marry her if he wants to be baptized. He said he'd need to think about it and talk to his girlfriend. That was over a week ago. On Thursday we met with him and discussed it. He said he is moving in and there's no way to change that. We asked about marriage and he said they wanted to be married but didnt know who to ask about it. We said he needed a license and that our bishop could do it. He asked if they could do it that week. We told him to talk to his girlfriend and pray about it, and that there was no rush. He talked to her and now they are getting married either this week or next. And I could be a best man. Craaaaazzzzyy. And we will finally meet the girlfriend in person this week and hopefully put her on date to be baptized. 

We also have 2 other kids, James and Jonas, that are working with our mission leader to do family history. He talked to them about the temple and they wanted to do work for their ancestors there. He said they had to be baptized first, and so now we are meeting with them and hopefully put them on date this week.

The baptism this week was way fun. The guy that got baptized bashed with Elder Grant about church history and archaeological evidence behind the Book of Mormon. When Elder Grant left they weren't teaching him anymore. But he read the Book of Mormon and got a testimony of it and wanted to be baptized. When he got baptized though, Elder Witt was too small to lift him up after dunking him, so they both fell into the water and it was hilarious. He went under, so it counted though. 

Big things coming here in Minneola. Got a few cool pics this week.

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