Her story is inspiring and we asked her to share at youth conference to start off our testimony meeting. She is from Christmas Island where my mom and dad served their mission. They came home and she ended up on a mission in Bountiful. Six months into her mission she discovered a tumor on her brain. She was released from her mission and has been living with my parents while she undergoes chemo treatments. Her last treatment was several weeks ago and was given the clear to go home. Ash spent several weeks at grandma's this summer where she and Nona developed a special bond and gained another sister.

*Kiersten attempting to find her way around a big city by bus. She wanted to go to the Provo City Temple and this is her advice: "Pro tip: Make sure the bus is going where you think it's going BEFORE you get on it. Good news is I still made it to the temple! Totally worth the hassle."

*Nate racing for Stansbury High School.
This latest meet he finished 6th, setting a personal record of 17:30,
and he racing against cousins, one we didn't know would be there.
*Erik doing one of the things he loves . . . graphic design. Because we carpool to the same school every other day, I got to witness the process that goes into making a t-shirt.
*Kiersten learning to be ninja-level poor and scoring two free tickets to the BYU/UofU football game with her award winning smile.

Have I mentioned that she was voted best smile in high school?
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